Thursday, May 14, 2020

Biography of Steve Jobs - 1830 Words

Steve Jobs Introduction When most people think of Steve Jobs, they will often associate him with the i Pod and the i Phone. While these items are some of the products that he helped to develop, the fact of the matter is that he had a major impact on Apple. To fully understand his influence requires carefully examining the company and his effect on the firm. This will be accomplished by providing: a description of the company, organizational performance determinants and the status of the firm today. Together, these different elements will highlight Jobs influence on Apple and how it was able to transform itself in a competitive marketplace. Description of the company (vision, mission, products / services and the industry etc.) Apple was founded in 1977. The vision and mission of the firm are to create lasting changes that will improve the lives of everyone. This means designing products that will address the needs of customers and offer them something more in contrast to competitors. As a result, the company has developed a number of different devices to achieve these objectives. A few of the most notable include: personal computers, notebooks, work stations, portable music video players, tablets and an online store to support these products. (Lustead, 2012, pp. 14 32) The industry is considered to be very competitive with a number of firms entering the marketplace to address the needs of the consumers. Over the course of time, this can create sudden shifts as toShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs Biography1013 Words   |  5 PagesEric Munoz J. Alicata 10/17/12 ITEC 1700 Steve Jobs Steve Jobs might be one of the most creative and innovative inventors of our generation. His advances for Apple Inc. have put the company on top. With over 300, (313 to be exact) patents under his belt, there is no one that could beat him in our modern day. Job’s was an American entrepreneur and inventor. You might know him as the Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc., however he was also the chairman, and one of the co-founders. He wasRead MoreBiographies Of Individual Business Entrepreneur Steve Jobs1423 Words   |  6 PagesBiographies of Individual Business Entrepreneur Steve Jobs I. Introduction Steve Jobs (1955-2011), the celebrated founder of Apple Inc., was the Da Vinci, Edison, and Tesla of our time. Jobs entrepreneurial spirit pushed our technology to such levels as to integrate it into our daily lives; jobs were an innovator. Some called him a perfectionist, micro-managing freak, a tyrant, a genius. All blended into a singular, compact individual whose handiwork included the personal computer, the mouse, theRead MoreEssay about Steve Jobs Biography Summary7096 Words   |  29 PagesChildhood: Abandoned and Chosen Steve Jobs was the natural-born son of John Jandali and Joanne Schieble. Jandali was a teaching assistant from Syria and Joanne was a Catholic girl from Wisconsin whose parents disapproved of her relationship with a Muslim. Unable to wed, they gave their baby up for adoption and baby Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of San Francisco, California. Paul Jobs was an engine technician turned car mechanic, and he introduced Steve to the world of engineering and designRead MoreWalter Isaacson s Biography Of Steve Jobs Without Feeling As If One Grew Up With Him940 Words   |  4 Pages It’s difficult to read Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs without feeling as if one grew up with him. Many books have been written about the Apple icon, but Walter Isaacson is the only writer with whom Jobs has ever agreed to collaborate. Walter Isaacson explores Jobs’s complex personality, from his childhood to his death in 2011. He highlights how Jobs’s desire for desire for control, passion for design, and perfection affected him as an innovator, father, and husband. 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He did not follow a given set of rules; he rather went with his gut and had strong confidence in himself. Steve Jobs was a unique and extraordinary leader who bro ught technology in society to new heights. Steve Jobs was born on FebruaryRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs By Malcolm Gladwell1165 Words   |  5 PagesRhetorical Analysis- Steve Jobs Given the task of conceptualizing a man who truly changed the realm of technology as we know it today, my mind secludes one person. That person is Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, now known simply as Apple. For this rhetorical analysis, I will be using three biographies/profiles about Jobs including â€Å"The Real Genius of Steve Jobs† by Malcolm Gladwell with The New Yorker (June 19, 2017), â€Å"Jobs’ Biography; Thoughts on Life, Death, and Apple† from NPR (OctoberRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Steve Jobs By Walter Isaacson916 Words   |  4 PagesA book review of â€Å"Steve Jobs† by Walter Isaacson Walter Isaascon’s account of Steve Jobs in some way is a product developed from the mind of its subject. Even though Steve Jobs was categorical that he would not interfere with the creation of book, he handpicked Walter Isaacson to pen his legacy for all. The fact that he settled for Isaacson does not come as a surprise. While it may be agreed that great men are always not nice men, it can be excused if they are geniuses. Isaacson started his examinationRead MoreZen And The Art Of Computing1283 Words   |  6 Pagesdeveloped. This source began with Jobs idea of apple from the beginning from when he was in school and enjoyed technology. It stated how it all started in the garage of his parents home. - â€Å" The Entrepreneur of the Decade.† N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2014 This source helped me because it demonstrates how Jobs was a very successful entrepreneur that he was chosen to be the entrepreneur of the decade. Within this source, there was also a interview/ conversation between Jobs and Inc. This source was veryRead MoreSteve Jobs Paper1192 Words   |  5 PagesSteve Jobs Paper Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will be familiar with the different aspects of Steve Jobs’ life from an early age, and his career accomplishments. Central Idea: To give the audience a better understanding about the man who was well reserved, one must learn about his life from an early age, and his career accomplishments. Introduction: I remember when I was in Jr. High, and computers were being integrated into the classrooms. As a matter of fact, the

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