Thursday, August 27, 2020

Art Tatum Essay

From the time Tatum was conceived on Oct. 13, 1909 in Toledo, Ohio, he was bound for changing jazz. He was brought into the world with a visually impaired eye and the other halfway visually impaired, however his ears were his method of seeing the world. He could plunk down and play a similar music implied for four hands. He was unparalleled at any piano rivalry. His impact on jazz will be perpetually regarded by jazz musicians (and non-piano players) around the world. As a youngster, Art got a little proper preparing for piano at Toledo School of Music, yet he for the most part just instructed himself. By the age of 18, he was at that point playing for radio stations and even had his own show at a certain point. By age 24, he composed and discharged â€Å"Tiger Rag,† a melody completely furnished with quick beats, unfathomably specialized rhythms, and the requirement for expertise. As he proceeded in his melodic profession, his verbalization, style, and distinction just improved. Craftsmanship changed the whole substance of jazz music. He helped lead the cutting edge into the bebop period. He was the artist that began to change the harmony movements, fingered with the music, and attempted new reversals of various harmonies (to get a more â€Å"jazzy† sound). Tatum had the option to utilize his old style foundation and his energetic style to make his own sort of music. It was specialized and complex, yet at the same time loaded with the free-form that jazz so effectively communicates. He utilized his left-handedness to make outrageous bass parts and his correct hand to make delightful runs here and there the whole piano. Craftsmanship had unbelievable ears. Despite the fact that he was almost visually impaired in one eye and totally dazzle in the other, he could see impeccably when it came to music. It was said that Tatum could locate the predominant note in a flushing latrine. He had unimaginable pitch, so he knew precisely which notes would sound flawless with the others. With respect to his piano, they called him, â€Å"God† in light of the fact that he was so acceptable. Tatum played constantly piano. It was his life. As one man stated, â€Å"Tatum played so splendidly thus much†¦that I thought the piano was going to break. My mom left the room†¦so I said ‘What’s wrong, Mama?’ And she said ‘Oh, that man plays an excessive amount of piano.'† Indeed, even very basic individuals would praise him for his piano abilities. At whatever point he at any point entered an opposition for piano, he never lost. Art’s style of music was not the basic, simple music that anyone could play. His procedure was aced. He had the most mind boggling ornamentation in each line of a melody he played. That, yet he didn’t even appear as though he was attempting. As he beat away at the keys, it didn’t appear beating however all the more drifting. It appeared to be so easy to him. Hank Jones stated, â€Å"When I at long last met him and got an opportunity to hear him play face to face, it appeared as though he wasn’t truly applying a lot of exertion, he had an easy method of playing. It was tricky. You’d watch him and you couldn’t accept what was coming out, what was arriving at your ears. He didn’t have that much movement at the piano. He didn’t make a major demonstration of moving around and waving his hands and experiencing a wide range of physical gyrations to deliver the music that he created, so that in itself is astonishing. There must be exceptional focus there, yet you couldn’t tell by simply taking a gander at him play.† Tatum was progressive. He drove future jazz performers into the following time of jazz. He had the expertise and the brain of a virtuoso, and for that, he will never be overlooked. Assets:

Friday, August 21, 2020

Writing A Persuasive Essay Topics About Gun Control

Writing A Persuasive Essay Topics About Gun ControlThe first step towards writing a persuasive essay is to find persuasive essay topics about gun control. In this case, you will have to research the topic thoroughly before you start writing.The more you know about gun control, the better you will be at convincing the reader of your point of view. It is wise to write some research into the subject of your essay before you begin writing. This will allow you to prepare a strong argument for your argument.Many people do not understand how persuasive essay topics about gun control can be used to the person's advantage. For example, the guns used in movies and television shows are designed to be entertaining to the eyes, but they are completely ineffective in terms of real-life stopping crime. This is why gun owners tend to oppose any type of gun control.You must know that in order to write an effective persuasive essay topics about gun control, you must use some factual information about guns. Your objective here is to show the reader what gun ownership does to the environment, society, and the lives of people who own them. Once you have explained this information, it will be much easier for you to convince the reader of your viewpoint.When you use this type of argument in a writing assignment, you must make sure that you do not use any sort of scare tactics. Using words like 'God,' 'cancer,' or 'death' in your essay will not convince anyone of your point of view. Instead, you should show the reader why these things happen, and this will help make your point.Do not focus solely on your specific facts about guns. A great way to persuade the reader that guns are bad is to add information about other bad things that occur when people use guns incorrectly. Just like the name implies, this method will only work if you are using arguments that show how gun owners' wrong actions hurt other people.This type of persuasive essay topics about gun control can help make your poi nt about the power of the human mind. This can also persuade people that guns are a form of violence. By using this technique, you will be able to convince the reader that guns are not inherently bad, but can also serve good purposes.So as you learn how to write persuasive essay topics about gun control, make sure that you know about statistics and the scientific method. This will give you the advantage in proving that guns are not bad at all. Just remember that when you begin writing, do not go overboard with your proofreading or editing.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Same Sex Marriage in the Philippines - 1931 Words

AMA COMPUTER LEARNING COLLEGE SCHOOL Sayre Highway, Valencia City Bukidnon SAME SEX MARRIAGE IN THE PHILIPPINES: A CALL FOR ARGUMENT A TERM PAPER SUBMTTED TO EXILE, SOPHIA GOLDA, IN FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COURSE COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2 BY: GLYDELLE O. LO CHERRY JOY A. MEJOS CLIFF EVANDER FORCADO March, 2013 Abstract Since 2001 it has been possible in the Netherlands for two men or two women to marry. There are certain differences, however, between same-sex marriage and marriage between a man and a woman. In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to create the possibility for two men or two women to marry. Since then, over 15,000 gay couples have married. Today, same-sex marriage is possible†¦show more content†¦Prime Minister Cameron of the UK declared that his support of same-sex marriage is not despite his being a conservative, but because he is a conservative. Cameron makes an important point. Same-sex marriage is in reality a conservative demand. In an era when many people have divorces, and others decide to forego getting married in the first place; gays want to get married – and commit themselves to abide by societal conventions in the process. While same-sex marriage is not yet an immediate concern for the Philippines, it raises points which are already relevant. Among these would be the question of what to do with gays who do form lasting relationships. Even from a purely legal point of view, it would be a lot more convenient if gay couples could get into something like a ‘registered partnership’ if only for matters like inheritance, medical decisions etc. At the same time, there should be some changes in the legal status of some heterosexual relationships. Under the principle that â€Å"consenting adults who love each other should be allowed to marry†, the country would need to pass a Divorce Law. And, together with this, there would need to be a law that allows unmarried couples who live together to formalize their relationship. The issue of same-sex marriage also affects the public discourse about gays. Previously, gay rights meant that it is wrong to beat up gays, or to refuse to hire them. Gay rights includes their right to lead a ‘normal’ life, including marriage. TheShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage in the Philippines2330 Words   |  10 PagesPRO Gay Marriage Same-sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their commitment in the same way as heterosexual couples. [40] The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same-sex couples want the right to legally marry [and] honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer... Same-sex couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples. Many benefits are only available to married couples, such as hospital visitationRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Affirmative Side1556 Words   |  7 PagesThat Same Sex Marriage Should be Legalized in the Philippines (Positive) Premises 1.) To exercise freedom of choice. 2.) To control population. 3.) To have an opportunity to adopt children from orphanage. 4.) To practice human rights. 5.) To prevent HIV disease. INTRODUCTION Same sex marriage is known as a marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or gender . It is one of the most controversial yet sensitive topics that have been discuss around the world. Politicians are havingRead MoreHow Does Lgbt Culture Fall In Our Society Today And At1143 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Philippines we classify them as tomboy, bakla and etc. Another social issue is about legalizing same sex marriage in the Philippines. Countries like the Netherlands, Colombia, and other countries that legalize same sex marriage. Sure this is from opinions of other countries about legalizing this issue that’s the reason why some countries think that same sex marriage should not be legalize in their country. For example the US had troubles getting all of their states to legalize same sex marriageRead MoreArgumentative Essay About Same Sex Marriage822 Words   |  4 Pagesabout the argument of same sex marriage. The contents are: meaning, brief background and thesis s tatement for the Introduction; for the Body of the discussion is the counter argument; and for the conclusion part: the summary and the restatement of the thesis statement. Same Sex Marriage also known as  gay marriage  or  equal marriage it is marriage between two persons of the same  biological sex  or  gender identity. In the 20th and 21st centuries various types of same-sex unions have come toRead MoreLegalization Of Same Sex Marriage Essay963 Words   |  4 PagesShannelle Romuar Alfritz Arevalo Angelika Figueroa Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage I. Introduction Same-sex marriage can also be called gay marriage. This is a marriage between two males or two females, in either a religious setting or in a civil ceremony. Same-sex unions are recorded in the history of a number of cultures but this type of marriage is rare, or doesn’t exist in other cultures .The first law that provided same-sex marriage for the people was in 2001 in the Netherlands. As of July 2015Read Moreno to same-sex marriage!894 Words   |  4 Pageseverything builds up. I Corinthians 10:23 Against Same Sex Marriage - The Six Point Case Each of these six points against same sex marriage will be explained in detail in the following articles. Click on each link for more explanation. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society. Homosexual behavior is inherently destructive. The law is a great teacher, and it encourages or discourages behavior. Government-backed same-sex marriage would encourage and normalize homosexual behaviorRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1152 Words   |  5 PagesBiological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† Submitted by: Ellicia Jiona Candelaria Submitted to: Mrs. Joan Bataclan ABSTRACT Biological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† This study describes the advantages and also the disadvantages of couples of the same sex being married. It aims to explore how it affects the society and most importantly the church. Same-sex marriage, popularly known as gay marriage, is a socially or legally reorganized wedlock between two persons of similarRead MoreSame-sex Marriage and Foreign Literature2367 Words   |  10 Pageseffects of legalizing same-sex marriage in the Philippines and to support gays and lesbian people in their rights. The study will be supported by some research materials. I. Historical Background Here is the short research about Same Sex Marriage regarding both foreign and local literature. A. Short History 1. Foreign Literature The foreign literature contains the views of other countries in legalizing Same Sex Marriage and benefits. Providing same-sex couples with the same legal and social recognitionRead MoreHawkins, Ronald E. (1991) Strengthening Marital Intimacy, Grand Rapids, Mi: Baker Book House.1698 Words   |  7 Pageselements of what it takes to have a Biblically sound intimate and committed marriage. In Strengthening Marital Intimacy (1991), he has captured the two foundational truths, intimacy and commitment, makes a good marriage into a great marriage. It is not enough to know the Word of God intellectually there must be a real surrendering to the sovereign will of God. To do it will transform a life of commitment to God and to the marriage. The key concepts presented in this book cover marital intimacy, commitmentRead MoreLegalization of Same Sex Marriage9779 Words   |  40 PagesTHE LEGALIZATION OF SAME SEX MARRIAGE AS ASSESED BY CITHM STUDENTS S.Y. 2011-2012 A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of International Tourism And Hospitality Management LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism By Ang, Dianne Marie M. Bayot, Donalynne B. October 2011 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION    In our generation today, homosexuals

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Biography of Steve Jobs - 1830 Words

Steve Jobs Introduction When most people think of Steve Jobs, they will often associate him with the i Pod and the i Phone. While these items are some of the products that he helped to develop, the fact of the matter is that he had a major impact on Apple. To fully understand his influence requires carefully examining the company and his effect on the firm. This will be accomplished by providing: a description of the company, organizational performance determinants and the status of the firm today. Together, these different elements will highlight Jobs influence on Apple and how it was able to transform itself in a competitive marketplace. Description of the company (vision, mission, products / services and the industry etc.) Apple was founded in 1977. The vision and mission of the firm are to create lasting changes that will improve the lives of everyone. This means designing products that will address the needs of customers and offer them something more in contrast to competitors. As a result, the company has developed a number of different devices to achieve these objectives. A few of the most notable include: personal computers, notebooks, work stations, portable music video players, tablets and an online store to support these products. (Lustead, 2012, pp. 14 32) The industry is considered to be very competitive with a number of firms entering the marketplace to address the needs of the consumers. Over the course of time, this can create sudden shifts as toShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs Biography1013 Words   |  5 PagesEric Munoz J. Alicata 10/17/12 ITEC 1700 Steve Jobs Steve Jobs might be one of the most creative and innovative inventors of our generation. His advances for Apple Inc. have put the company on top. With over 300, (313 to be exact) patents under his belt, there is no one that could beat him in our modern day. Job’s was an American entrepreneur and inventor. You might know him as the Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc., however he was also the chairman, and one of the co-founders. He wasRead MoreBiographies Of Individual Business Entrepreneur Steve Jobs1423 Words   |  6 PagesBiographies of Individual Business Entrepreneur Steve Jobs I. Introduction Steve Jobs (1955-2011), the celebrated founder of Apple Inc., was the Da Vinci, Edison, and Tesla of our time. Jobs entrepreneurial spirit pushed our technology to such levels as to integrate it into our daily lives; jobs were an innovator. Some called him a perfectionist, micro-managing freak, a tyrant, a genius. All blended into a singular, compact individual whose handiwork included the personal computer, the mouse, theRead MoreEssay about Steve Jobs Biography Summary7096 Words   |  29 PagesChildhood: Abandoned and Chosen Steve Jobs was the natural-born son of John Jandali and Joanne Schieble. Jandali was a teaching assistant from Syria and Joanne was a Catholic girl from Wisconsin whose parents disapproved of her relationship with a Muslim. Unable to wed, they gave their baby up for adoption and baby Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of San Francisco, California. Paul Jobs was an engine technician turned car mechanic, and he introduced Steve to the world of engineering and designRead MoreWalter Isaacson s Biography Of Steve Jobs Without Feeling As If One Grew Up With Him940 Words   |  4 Pages It’s difficult to read Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs without feeling as if one grew up with him. Many books have been written about the Apple icon, but Walter Isaacson is the only writer with whom Jobs has ever agreed to collaborate. Walter Isaacson explores Jobs’s complex personality, from his childhood to his death in 2011. He highlights how Jobs’s desire for desire for control, passion for design, and perfection affected him as an innovator, father, and husband. Despite his complicatedRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs1178 Words   |  5 PagesRhetorical Analysis- Steve Jobs Given the task of conceptualizing a man who truly changed the realm of technology as we know it today, my mind secludes one person. That person is Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, now known simply as Apple. For this rhetorical analysis, I will be using three biographies/profiles about Jobs including â€Å"The Real Genius of Steve Jobs† by Malcolm Gladwell with The New Yorker (June 19, 2017), â€Å"Jobs’ Biography; Thoughts on Life, Death, and Apple† from NPR (OctoberRead MoreSteve Jobs : A Strong Leader1700 Words   |  7 Pagesforward progress. Steve Jobs, one of the most modern examples of a strong leader, is well-known for his highly successful company, Apple. Steve Jobs was a believer in achieving what others imagined impossible, and stayed true to his values while pursuing his visions. He did not follow a given set of rules; he rather went with his gut and had strong confidence in himself. Steve Jobs was a unique and extraordinary leader who bro ught technology in society to new heights. Steve Jobs was born on FebruaryRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs By Malcolm Gladwell1165 Words   |  5 PagesRhetorical Analysis- Steve Jobs Given the task of conceptualizing a man who truly changed the realm of technology as we know it today, my mind secludes one person. That person is Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, now known simply as Apple. For this rhetorical analysis, I will be using three biographies/profiles about Jobs including â€Å"The Real Genius of Steve Jobs† by Malcolm Gladwell with The New Yorker (June 19, 2017), â€Å"Jobs’ Biography; Thoughts on Life, Death, and Apple† from NPR (OctoberRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Steve Jobs By Walter Isaacson916 Words   |  4 PagesA book review of â€Å"Steve Jobs† by Walter Isaacson Walter Isaascon’s account of Steve Jobs in some way is a product developed from the mind of its subject. Even though Steve Jobs was categorical that he would not interfere with the creation of book, he handpicked Walter Isaacson to pen his legacy for all. The fact that he settled for Isaacson does not come as a surprise. While it may be agreed that great men are always not nice men, it can be excused if they are geniuses. Isaacson started his examinationRead MoreZen And The Art Of Computing1283 Words   |  6 Pagesdeveloped. This source began with Jobs idea of apple from the beginning from when he was in school and enjoyed technology. It stated how it all started in the garage of his parents home. - â€Å" The Entrepreneur of the Decade.† N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2014 This source helped me because it demonstrates how Jobs was a very successful entrepreneur that he was chosen to be the entrepreneur of the decade. Within this source, there was also a interview/ conversation between Jobs and Inc. This source was veryRead MoreSteve Jobs Paper1192 Words   |  5 PagesSteve Jobs Paper Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will be familiar with the different aspects of Steve Jobs’ life from an early age, and his career accomplishments. Central Idea: To give the audience a better understanding about the man who was well reserved, one must learn about his life from an early age, and his career accomplishments. Introduction: I remember when I was in Jr. High, and computers were being integrated into the classrooms. As a matter of fact, the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Slave Ship Always Comes Back Around in Morrison´s Beloved

Morrison’s Beloved uses characters in her story to show the long lasting effects of slavery. Characters such as Sethe, Denver, and Beloved all show a different point of view of the effects of slavery and what life it can conjure up for over protective mother, hermit like daughter, and the spiteful ghost. For instance, Paul D says to Sethe â€Å"Your love is too thick,† (164) which shows Paul D’s view of love not as liberal as Sethe’s , he believes even love has rules and restrictions. Using the word â€Å"too† exemplifies his expression of constraining love for it can hurt you. This maybe a male like slave mentality to not love anything too much or when it is gone you are susceptible to anything to happen. To Sethe love is something that cannot be†¦show more content†¦Denver was indeed broken down or missing a piece of her puzzle due to slavery , not only for what her mother did and how the community treated Denver after but also the absence of her father. â€Å" We should all be together. Me , him and Beloved.†(209) Fragmentation is a theme in this story and each character is fragmented in this quote , Denver is missing the love of a community that even Sethe got on Sweethome . Beloved is missing the love of a mother that brought her bac k in physical form. Halle , half a name short of a blessing was missing his family . Denver lived her life barely leaving the house in hope her dad would come rescue her. To bring her back whole for she is broken down into pieces from the institution that only beat and raped her mom , in which she feels too emotionally. Dearly Beloved , at least what her tombstone should have read , well there would not have been a tombstone at all if school teacher did not come back for Sethe. Beloved is the only character not directly involved in slavery who is not only broken but physically destroyed by slavery. â€Å" I stopped him† (164) The words said from Sethe To Paul D. Although Sethe stopped the school teacher she started up Beloved. Beloved started haunting the house right away which was the same which caused Sethe’s children to run away. â€Å"†¦Howard and Buglar, had run away by the time they were thirteen years old—as soon as merely looking in a mirror shatte red it (thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s The Book And The Conference2009 Words   |  9 Pagestheir speeches slavery and slave trade, known as the Middle Passage. People of African descent struggled and still struggle all over the world, fighting for their rights and against racism. Coincidentally, prior to the conference, I ve finished re-reading Toni Morrison Beloved. Morrison,who won the Nobel prize for this book, directly addresses the issue of slavery and slave crossing in her novel; the book and the conference inspired me to write on this topic. Beloved is not only a title of the storyRead MoreBeloved Essay, Toni Morrison2111 Words   |  9 PagesMcLean April 22, 2014 ENGL 112.003 African-American Communities in Beloved Thesis: Toni Morrison focuses on negative impact of slavery on the well-being of  African American communities throughout her novel Beloved by depicting the damage done, its effects on individual characters, and the renewal of community. 1. The enforcement of slavery has destroyed black communities and families 1. Families throughout Beloved were split due to slavery 2. The community of 124 abandons itsRead MoreBeloved: Analysis7215 Words   |  29 PagesFrom the beginning, Beloved focuses on the import of memory and history. Sethe struggles daily with the haunting legacy of slavery, in the form of her threatening memories and also in the form of her daughter s aggressive ghost. For Sethe, the present is mostly a struggle to beat back the past, because the memories of her daughter s death and the experiences at Sweet Home are too painful for her to recall consciously. But Sethe s repression is problematic, because the absence of history and memoryRead MoreBiography of Musician Lou Reed2503 Words   |  10 Pagesdecisive parts of my transition to adulthood and have followed me throughout my life, coming in and out like crashing waves. I have spent months listening solely to The Beatles in awe of their virtuosity, hoping it will transfer to me. When I moved home back from South Carolina at the end of this summer, I began to have a profound re-obsession with The Velvet Underground. It seems everyone has their story about how this band has influenced them, for me it was a few bars into Rock Roll. I listened asRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pagesthe Marriott School, Brigham Young University. He is widely published in strategy and business journals and was the fourth most cited management scholar from 1996–2006. is a professor of leadership at INSEAD. He consults to organizations around the world on innovation, globalization, and transformation and has published extensively in leading academic and business journals. is the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and the architect

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hunger Artist Essay Example For Students

Hunger Artist Essay I will try to demonstrate what the publics reaction was to the angel in ? The very old man with Enormous wings ? and Kafkas ? Hunger Artist ? from what the authors wrote in the stories and the characters point of view. I will also try illustrate how the public has more of a meaning in both stories. In ? A very old man with Enormous Wings ? the public goes to see the old man because they wanted to see what he was. The owners of the house where the old man was at, thought that he was a lonely castaway from some foreign ship wrecked by the storm. They thought this because they spoke to him and he answered in a incomprehensible dialect with a strong sailors voice. The public tossed him things to eat as if he werent a supernatural creature but a circus animal. When Father Gonzaga went to see the old man there was less frivolous onlookers than those who had arrived earlier. The simplest among them thought that he should be named mayor of the world. Others of sterner mind felt that he should be promoted to the rank of five-star general in order to win all wars. There were other people that hoped he would be put to reproduce, so there would be a race of winged wise man who could take charge of the universe. Father Gonzaga suspected that he was an impostor because he did not understand the language of God and did not know how to greet his minister. He did not think that the old man was an angel, he instead felt that it could of been a trick of the devil. Curious people came from far away because they thought that he could cure them and change their misfortunes. During all this time, the old man was the only one who did not take part in his own act. During those days a carnival attraction arrived with a woman who had been changed to a spider. The old mans reputation was already ruined by this time. After this people stopped going to see the old man. Months had past when the old man got new wings and just flew away. I think that the angel in ? The very old man with Enormous wings ? might have actually stayed. He left because no one treated him right. They did not believe in him just because he did not give them what they wanted, so they did not have faith in him. The public could of just believe in him and treated him well maybe he would have gotten well and then he would have gaven them what they wanted. In the ?hunger Artist ?, the artist wanted the public to appreciate his fasting abilities by watching him and giving him fame. We know this by the following passage; ? Why stop fasting ?, why should he be cheated of the fame he would get for lasting longer. ?Professional fasting had diminished remarkably the last decade. For elders he was often a joke, while for children he was a special treat. There were different kinds of watchers that watched the artist. There were groups of watchers who would huddle to together in a corner to play cards. They intended to give the artist Some space, because they thought he would appreciate to be alone. He did not, instead it made him miserable and made his fast seem unendurable. Then there are the watchers more to his taste. The watchers that would sit close up to the bars because they were not content with the dim night lighting on the hall. The artist would not sleep, he was happy at spending sleepless nights with such watchers. People began to get uninterested in watching the ? Hunger Artist ? because no one could produce evidence that the fast had really been continuos; only the artist knew that, therefore he was his only satisfied spectator of his own fast. Years past and still no one took his trouble seriously. People felt that his depression was do to the fasting. They also felt that fasting made him react with an outburst of fury; he would shake the bars of his cage like a wild animal. More years past, suddenly the hunger artist found himself deserted by the amusement seekers and by this he died. .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .postImageUrl , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:visited , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:active { border:0!important; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:active , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What was the leading cause of the worldcom scandal EssayIn the ? Hunger Artist ? the public could not have just been content in knowing that he was fasting. They saw how skinny he was and they still thought that he could have had been eating on the side. This shows the lack of trust people have in other people. The two stories should be compared because of their similarities in the way the public treats the main characters. The public was just interested in the ? Hunger Artist ? because he was an entertainment for them. They watched him for a couple of years, but it then got to a point when people started saying, ? that they would not watch him anymore because they were not with him all day, so how could they be sure that he was not eating anything on the side. ? The public in ? The very old man with Enormous wings ? were interested in the old man because they thought he was an angel. They stopped being interested in him when they saw that he could not do miracles for them. With this we can see that the public in both stories were only enticed by the two characters as long as they thought that they were getting something from them. The public tried to use the characters for their own benefits. I think that the two writers are focusing on how the public reacts to the characters in ? The very old man with Enormous wings ? and the ? Hunger Artist ? because they are trying to show how the world has changed when it comes to having faith in other people or in a religious matter.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The American Civil War Essay Example Essay Example

The American Civil War Essay Example Paper The American Civil War Essay Introduction The American Civil War is a topic which many poets have addressed in verse. What separates Lowell’s ‘For The Union Dead’ from the scores of other Civil War poems is not only the complex interweaving of period and contemporary events in order to make a social commentary on change, which give the poem a strong modern-day resonance, but also the precise and polysemic lexis Lowell employs in order to link different timeframes.In 1964, four years after he first read ‘For The Union Dead’ in public, Lowell stated in a letter: â€Å"In my poem For The Union Dead, I lament the loss of the old Abolitionist spirit; the terrible injustice, in the past and present, of the American treatment of the Negro is the greatest urgency to me as a man and a writer.†. By describing the â€Å"loss† of such a spirit, Lowell also reveals what has replaced it in modern Boston; a vulgar fixation with consumerism. His juxtaposition of the unselfish and heroic sacrifi ce of Colonel Shaw and his all-black 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry against the moral decline of modern Boston, of a rose-tinted past against a dystopian present, is a continual theme in the poem. He describes the bronze monument celebrating their valour as â€Å"(sticking) like a fishbone in the city’s throat†, going on to state that the Colonel â€Å"is out of bounds now†; in both instances, Lowell alludes to the fact that the laudable values which the Colonel and his men stood for are ignored by modern society, that human nature has degenerated into crude materialism.This degeneration is shown further by Lowell’s disdainful description of the building of a garage beneath the Boston Common, which is owned by the people of Boston rather than the city itself. The construction of the garage in the 60s was subject to vehement and ultimately unsuccessful protest, as it was seen as an infringement of the people’s rights. The theme of immoral con sumerism recurs in this disdainful description: â€Å"Parking spaces luxuriate like civic sandpiles in the heart of Boston.† Lowell sees his city reduced to a plaything for childlike developers who have no thought for culture or heritage. Yet another example of this brazen consumerism is the reference to the Mosler Safe, which is advertised and glorified as a result of WWII. This is juxtaposed against the memorial, carelessly â€Å"propped by a plank splint†. This theme is not only applicable to Boston, but universally applicable; indeed, with the ever increasing emphasis on material wealth in modern life, the poem may have even greater relevance today. Through the universal applicability of its themes, then, Lowell’s poem demonstrates the â€Å"qualities of durability† which allows literary works to be widely deemed as â€Å"valuable†.In addition to this large-scale historical juxtaposition, there is a personal juxtaposition between the child Lowe ll and the adult Lowell, adding another layer of complexity to the poem as the factual and emotional interact with each other. The Aquarium is vital here, not only exhibiting the impermanence of the world we live in as modernisation propels human ‘advancement’, but showing how even within Lowell’s lifetime, the world has changed beyond recognition; the fish of his childhood are gone, and all that is left is the â€Å"bronze weathervane cod† which has â€Å"lost half its scales†; they have been replaced by â€Å"yellow dinosaur steamshovels. grunting. behind their cage† and â€Å"giant finned cars†. The replacement of the sentient fish from the Aquarium with these mechanical beasts of the modern era runs parallel to the aforementioned degeneration of human nature, and together they chart the disappearance of the world of Lowell’s childhood, as well as and Colonel Shaw’s lifetime. On a personal level as well, then, Lowell p ortrays the change which has come about in his lifetime with great pessimism. At this personal level, though, there are also elements of continuity within the different timeframes which Lowell describes melancholically. As a child he watches the fish behind the glass, as an adult he sees the â€Å"drained faces of school-children rise like balloons† through a television screen; in both situations he is frustrated by his own helplessness.Lowell also presents continuity regarding the fact that despite the American Civil War was won by the Abolitionists, segregation was still existent at the time of writing; he conveys disgust at the fact that while America’s fragile sense of heritage and culture is bulldozed in the name of technological ‘advancement’ (the steamshovels and cars), racism remains. The fact that the Boston Common garage is geographically close to the bronze memorial for the 54th Massachusetts Volunteers Infantry means that the link between the t wo is justified and founded in reality, the link being that although the garage would suggests advancement, it actually represents a backward step for Boston, and the memorial’s place in an America which still instigates segregation shows that America is still stuck in its prejudiced past. Lowell’s layering of images, juxtapositions and parallels across various timeframes, and the split between historical and personal, allows the poem to be a complex collection of ideas contributing to the same central twin destinations concerning inequality and transience. A â€Å"complex interweaving. of ideas† which denotes value, then, can be clearly identified in Lowell’s poem.Another feature of ‘valued’ literature, alongside complex ideas, is complexity in language and word choice. There can be little doubt that Lowell has chosen to place certain words in certain places in the poem, that he is a â€Å"craftsperson. in command of (his) writing†. E ven the opening line, the epigraph â€Å"Relinquunt Omnia Servare Rem Publicam† is an edited version of the epigraph on the actual memorial â€Å"Reinquit Omnia Servare Rem Publicam†. Lowell’s amendment turns â€Å"He gave up all to serve the Republic†, referring to Colonel Shaw into â€Å"They gave up all to serve the Republic†, referring to the entire 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Even in this minor adjustment, then, the central themes of racial equality is addressed, as well as the bravery of the soldiers which is so often acknowledged in Civil War poems. Evidence of Lowell’s conscious decision to select exact words can also be seen by the repetition of words within the poem, to either reinforce or contradict a point previously made. When describing his experience of the fish at the Aquarium, Lowell writes that his hand â€Å"tingled†, and when describing the Statehouse when the construction works for the garage are occurr ing, Lowell also says it is â€Å"tingling†. The former use of the word suggests vitality and excitement, whereas the latter use suggests both the literal and symbolic undermining of democratic values, of equality.The first line and the second to last line also utilise this repetition, this time â€Å"Servare† and â€Å"servility†. Here, Shaw’s civic courage, his noble defence of his beliefs and his country, is contrasted against the â€Å"savage servility† of the cars. â€Å"Savage servility† is a paradoxical description which highlights both the bleak, unfeeling, asocial nature of modern life and the undercurrent of menace which Lowell feels accompanies this modernisation. The placement of these juxtaposing words at the beginning and end of the poem serve to illustrate the change which Lowell works so hard to show the reader throughout the poem. A final and less obvious instance of such repetition comes, rather than at the beginning and en d of the poem, in a single sentence: â€Å"on Boylston Street, a commercial photograph/Shows Hiroshima boiling/over a Mosler Safe†. â€Å"Boylston† and â€Å"boiling† is not repetition in a strict sense; it is an example of assonance. Boylston Street is a major commercial centre in Boston, and so the avarice portrayed by the Mosler â€Å"Hiroshima boiling† advertisement is clearly mirrored by this hub of capitalism. It is evident, then, that Lowell has formed the poem with a meticulousness of the highest order, giving the poem a great deal of ‘value’.There is, however, a problem with the poem in terms of value. Lowell’s poem includes intimate details about Boston and the Civil War at the risk of alienating readers who are not familiar with either, for instance an English reader with no knowledge of the Civil War or Boston. The English reader would then have to research into the Civil War and Boston in order to understand the poem even at its most basic level. This could mean that the perceived value of the poem is diminished for this reader. Michael Foucault certainly holds this view, positing that all literary texts display â€Å"enunciative poverty†, in that they inevitably cannot convey full meaning or representation, and that â€Å"it is critics themselves. who repeat over and over the message which the text itself failed to tell†, that these critics make up for a poet’s lack of precision in craft.However, the ignorance of the reader cannot diminish the value of a poem; it is the reader’s responsibility to fill in gaps in their knowledge and thereby fully comprehend the value and complexity of the poem. Foucault also doubts that the writer is in complete control of the writing, arguing instead that certain â€Å"literary traditions. economic and literary pressures† influence the text. Again, if Foucault’s position is to be believed, this would show that Lowell is not a â€Å"craftsman. in command of (his) writing†, and therefore that his poetry is not ‘valuable’. However, while these pressures undoubtedly shape certain decisions concerning issues like structure and subject matter (for instance, the construction of the underground garage in the vicinity of the memorial and the on-going civil rights movement led Lowell to consider Colonel Shaw and his Infantry’s bravery and the futility of their sacrifice), the artistry and poetic technique exhibited by the poet requires a great deal of control. These pressures, if anything, form a vague outline of a work which must be defined and filled by the poet’s imagination; Lowell does this magnificently, using the intricate entwining of themes and ideas and precise word choice to create a work of true value. The American Civil War Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Choosing a Microsoft Certification

Choosing a Microsoft Certification The Microsoft certification you choose is dependant on your current position or planned career path. Microsoft certifications are designed to take advantage of specific skills and enhance your expertise. Certifications are offered in five areas, each with specialization tracks. Whether youre an application developer, systems engineer, technical consultant, or network administrator, there are certifications for you. MTA - Microsoft Technology Associate Certification MTA certifications are for IT professionals who intend to build a career in database and infrastructure or software development. A wide range of fundamental information is covered. There is no prerequisite for this exam, but participants are encouraged to make use of the recommended prep resources   The MTA is not a prerequisite for MCSA or MCSD certification, but it is a solid first step that can be followed by the MCSA or MCSD which expands on expertise. The three certification tracks for the MTA are: MTA: Database (Key technology: SQL Server)MTA: DeveloperMTA: Infrastructure (Key technologies:  Windows Server Virtualization,  Windows System Center) MCSA - Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate  Certification The MCSA certification validates your strengths in the particular path chosen. The MCSA certification is strongly encouraged among IT employers. The certification tracks for the MCSA are: MCSA: Cloud platform  (Key technology:  Microsoft Azure)MCSA: Linux on Azure  Ã‚  (Key technology:  Microsoft Azure)MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365  Ã‚  (Key technology:  Microsoft Dynamics 365)MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (Key technology:  Microsoft Dynamics 365)MCSA:   Office 365 (Key technologies:  Microsoft Office 365,   Exchange,   Skype for Business,   SharePoint)MCSA: SQL 2016 BI Development   (Key technology: SQL Server)  MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014 (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: Web Applications (Key technologies:   C#,   Mobile Apps,   Visual Studio, NET,   Framework 4.5MCSA: Windows 10MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Key technology:  Windows Server Virtualization )MCSA: Windows Server 2016 (Key technology:  Windows Server Virtualization )   MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer  Certification The App Builder track validates your skills in web and mobile app development for current and future employers. MCSD: App Builder (Key technologies:   Azure,   C#,   SharePoint,   Office Client,   Visual Studio,   .Net,   HTML5) MCSE - Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert  Certification The MCSE certifications validate advanced skills in the area of the chosen track and require other certifications as prerequisites. The tracks for the MCSE include: MCSE: Data Management and Analytics (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSE: Mobility (Key technology: Windows System Center)MCSE: Productivity (Key technologies: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office 365) MOS - Microsoft Office Specialist  Certification The Microsoft Office certifications come in three skill levels: specialist, expert, and master. The MOS tracks include: MOS: Expert 2013   (Key technologies:   Microsoft Office Word 2013,   Microsoft Office Excel 2013)MOS: Expert 2016 ( Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word 2016, Microsoft Office Excel 2016)MOS: Master 2016 (Key technologies:   Microsoft Office Word 2016,   Microsoft Office Excel 2016, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016)MOS: Microsoft Office 2013 (Key technologies:   Microsoft Office Word,   Microsoft Office Excel,   Microsoft Office PowerPoint,   Microsoft Office Access,   Microsoft Outlook,  Microsoft SharePoint,   Microsoft Office OneNote)MOS: Microsoft Office 2016 (Key technologies:   Microsoft Office Word,   Microsoft Office Excel,   Microsoft Office PowerPoint,   Microsoft Office Access,   Microsoft Outlook)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Sociology - Essay Example In addition, research based on self-report is vulnerable to the social factors affecting both the availability of research participants and their willingness to respond to researchers questions (Lee 15). On the other hand, ethnographic field work is a more comprehensive way of conducting qualitative research. In fact, it is a part of a documentary research. Nevertheless, the setting dictates when documentary research is more useful than ethnographic field work. When a researcher studies a contemporary organization, documentary research is a necessity since records such as financial statements, employee records, and other primary written sources play a role in completing the investigation. In conclusion, documentary research complements other research methods and can stand alone only if data is needed. Silverman, D. ( 2004 ). Qualitative Research : Method, Theory and Practice. Retrieved from g=PA56&lpg=PA56&dq =ethnographic+fieldwork+vs+documentary&source=bl&ots=9hOGQsBwBG&sig=T3I02Apvvdx1VqRKVjHrBOpoqRA&hl=en&ei=-gNlS9S0CI6OkQXon6jUCg&sa=X&oi=book_ result&ct=result&resnum =5&ved =0CBoQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=&f=false on Jan 15,

Thursday, February 6, 2020

College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

College - Essay Example One of the most valuable talents that I believe I can bring to the University of Wisconsin is my baseball game and capabilities. I have researched on the University of Wisconsin’s baseball team and found that the team is a regional champion. I believe I have what it takes to add onto an already stellar team. I first played baseball as a four year old for the neighborhood club. Since then, I have tried to be the best I can in baseball and been selected for the school teams throughout junior high school and, in my senior year at Elkhorn Area High School, I was chosen as team captain of the Varsity team. This was my second year on the Varsity team, and I believe that it is important for me to join a college that will offer me the chance to better my game. The varsity team is trying to qualify for the regional finals for the third year in a row, and this has tested my mettle greatly. However, it has taught me to take each game as a final and I believe this trait can be transmitted to other areas of my life, as well. As a dedicated baseball player, I find that there are times when I am alone, and in the solitude of the team’s afternoon jogs, my thoughts begin to wander to more significant events in my life. Late last year, my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 head and neck cancer and is now in remission. The man who for the longest time was my biggest baseball fan and motivator is living on what is more or less a definite timeline. However, in a quest to extend his life, he has exhibited great strength in the face of challenges that dwarf those I face with the Varsity team. Our goals in confronting our challenges are very different, but I always feel that every baseball win and medal I bring home gives him a sense of victory. Every time I recount how we almost lost a game but won at the death, he smiles proudly as if he was the one on the pitch with me. In a way, I think that my

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

King Henry V and King Richard III Essay Example for Free

King Henry V and King Richard III Essay Henry V and Richard III depicted how two very different men rose to power and assumed the throne of England. Henry was an intelligent, driven young man who sought to reconstruct the civil war ravaged kingdom after the death of his father. Shakespeare presented Richard as a corrupt, sadistic villain who cared nothing for the English people except that they knew and feared his absolute authority. Both men, though, possessed the same focus and determination, which made the comparison and contrast of these two plays that much more drastic. When Henry V came to power, he knew he was responsible for gaining the trust and respect of both the English court and the common man. In order to end wars within the country and regain political stability, Henry decided to lay claim to his land in France. In response to this, the French prince Dauphin snubbed Henry, which launched him into action. With the support of the English people behind him, Henry gathered his troops and planned to invade France. Henry did away with those who plotted against him and his mission and set sail for France. With his tremendous resolve and leadership, the English victoriously fought their way through France despite terrible odds. The English forces were urged to remain focused on the task at hand, and all those who disgraced the kingdom were severely punished. Looting, spying and the like all resulted in death at Henrys command. With the same dedication, however, he took into consideration the concerns of the common soldier and in prayer he gained the power to fulfill his leadership responsibilities and rally his troops. After the English forces defeated the French at the Battle of Agincourt, while outnumbered five-to-one, the opposition finally surrendered. Henry was able to secure peace negotiations and meanwhile married Catherine, the daughter of the French king. Thus, Henry had successfully united two kingdoms. The reign of King Richard III differed greatly. In order to reach the throne,  he secretly plotted to usurp the kingship from his brother Edward and, likewise, to destroy anyone else who posed a threat. Shakespeare described Richard as evil and manipulative, but also brilliant, cunning, and persistent. He was born physically deformed and as a result was very bitter toward those around him, and greatly resented their normalcy and happiness. This hatred translated into tremendous drive and served as motivation as well as justification for most everything he did. Richard began his journey to the throne by marrying a noblewoman, Lady Anne, simply for political reasons. He then took every opportunity that arose to speed Edwards illness and death, including the execution of another brother solely to cause grief and clear the path to the title. When Edward finally died, Richard was temporarily rewarded control of the kingdom until Edwards sons were of age to rule. Richard then searched out and executed those noblemen who had remained loyal to the princes, along with the boys powerful relatives on their mothers side. The heirs and Queen Elizabeth, their mother, were left unprotected and vulnerable. After Richard campaigned and all but assumed his role as king, the boys were murdered. The people of England already despised Richard and feared his tyrannical rule. When Richard found himself without support and facing a possible challenger to the throne, he decided to murder his wife in order to marry his niece Elizabeth. This marriage to Edwards daughter would cement his position as king. Queen Elizabeth, however, had sided with the French challenger, Richmond, and had secretly given him her daughters hand in marriage. When Richmond and his forces invaded England, Richard was killed, just as he had been warned in dreams the night before by the ghosts of all those he had murdered. Richmond was the crowned King Henry VII and vowed peace in the restless kingdom. Both Henry V and Richard III possessed the determination to reach the throne and rule England. Henry introduced himself to the kingdom as a relenting force, in power to protect and provide for the common man. He took his role very seriously and thus became a hero in his kingdom, while instilling fear in the hearts of the opposition. Richard, though, saw his dreams crumble before him as he selfishly and insanely used all those around him as a sort of tool for his acquisition of power. England as a whole rejected him as a leader, and saw no promise for the kingdom under the reign of a power-hungry tyrant. Henry sought to rebuild and England and bring back to it prosperity, and therefore gained the love and respect of the English people. Richard cared only to tend to his own selfish interests and was, as a result, overthrown by his enemies. The fate of there two men seemed to have been determined by what motivated them and with which characteristics they utilized in ruling the kingdom of England.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Zapatista Prospects in a Changed Environment Essay -- Essays Papers

Zapatista Prospects in a Changed Environment 1994, from the depths of the jungle an ill-equipped army of indigenous farmers storms the state capital of Chiapas, Mexico demanding reform and a shift from neo-liberalist policy. 2002, fast-forward nearly nine years to present and the struggle of this rag-tag guerilla army continues, only the global and national environment has changed. With dramatic internal and external shifts, the hope of a resolution favoring these rebels representing the impoverished communities of southern Mexico has faded. As Mexico tested the perilous waters of neo-liberalism, a group of revolutionary farm workers, calling themselves Zapatistas, after the legendary leader of the Mexican Revolution, prepared themselves to strike out against the injustices of the Mexican government. On New Years Day 1994, the day the North American Free Trade Agreement was to be announced, they took control of the state capital of Chiapas sending a stark cry across the nation against forces of globalization. Their message resonated throughout the world, finding broad national and foreign support. The Zapatistas, under the leadership of the masked Subcomandante Marcos, positioned themselves so as to unveil the hidden side of Mexico to the world and force Mexico to face its harsh reality. Mexican leaders had worked diligently to create a guise of modernity, a picturesque vision of Mexico ready to be displayed on the world scene. As these leaders struggled to shed Mexico’s third world status, attempting to hid e the impoverished, neglected, and largely indigenous populations from public view, they further suppressed those in need of the most attention. The Zapatistas’ reality check for Mexico sent ripples throughout ... ...oston Globe 25 August 2002 sec. A6. Marcos, Subcomandante. Shadows of Tender Fury. Trans. Linda Lopez. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1995. McEntee, Marni. â€Å"Zapatistas Regain Mexicans’ Attention.† The Washington Times 16 September 1997, final ed., sec. The Americas. Ross, John. Rebellion from the Roots. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1995. Sullivan, Kevin. â€Å"Double-Edged Machete in Mexico Fight.† The Washington Post 9 August 2002 sec. A14. The Sixth Sun: Mayan Uprising in Chiapas. Dir. Saul Landau. Meridian Productions, 1996. â€Å"MEXICO-CENTRAM: Chiapas bishop leads indigenous march against PPP† EFE News Sevices 17 August 2002. â€Å"Plan Puebla Panama† Witness for Peace. â€Å"The Free Trade Area of the Americas† Witness for Peace.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Employee Turnover and Retention

Employee turnover is a ratio comparison of the number of employees a company must replace in a given time period to the average number of total employees. A huge concern to most companies, employee turnover is a costly expense especially in lower paying job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest (Beam, 2010). Most associates’ average employment time with them is 7 years. Some of the common reasons why employees leave their company includes employee decided to do contract work instead of fulltime, moving out of province or employee feel that their company or position is just not a good fit (Devernichuk, 2010). Employee Turnover Costs Employee turnover is a very expensive and time consuming. There are several direct cost associated with employee turnover in the company. This includes: * Separation Costs. Cost incurred for exit interview, separation/severance pay, administrative expenses, or any increase in unemployment compensation. * Replacement Costs. Cost in advertising the position vacant, entrance interviews, testing, travel/moving expenses, pre-employment administrative expenses, medical exams and acquisition and dissemination of information. * Vacancy Costs. Cost due to increased overtime or temporary employee who fill-in the vacant position. * Training Cost. Time and resources spent in training the new employee and loss of productivity while new employee is on training. â€Å"Studies have estimated direct turnover costs per employee to be 25-30% of an individual employee’s salary/benefits package, with hidden costs inflating that figure substantially† (Insight Communications, n. d. ). Reducing employee turnover rates have many advantages to the company like profitability, productivity and competitive advantages. Employee Retention Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee. Many employees today leave the company or organization once they feel dissatisfied with their job or their employer. Once they feel the dissatisfaction or unhappiness with what they’re doing they will easily leave the company and switch to a different company which is not good to the employer. Employers should know how to retain its employees (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007). Employee Retention Strategies * Trust in Management. The primary factor for employee to stay in the company is the level of trust for the management. This means that the leaders should do the right thing and be truthful, treat people with respect and acknowledge their accomplishments. * Hire Wisely. Hiring is a very critical stage to avoid high employee turnover. A person who is doing the hiring process should screen the applicant wisely and if in doubt with the person, don’t hire. Career Path Opportunities. Most people are seeking for improvements; they don’t want to be stuck in one position for many years. Giving them an opportunity for advancement will likely make them stay in the company. * Treating Employees with Respect. Every individual needs to be treated fairly and with respect. * Employee Recognition. Recognizing employees is a good strategy in retention. Employees that are recognized with the hard work they did will more likely to stay with the ompany because of their job satisfaction and recognition. * Compensation. Offering above average compensation is the greatest way to retain employees. Satisfied employees with how much they make will make them stay longer in the company. Recommendations Company must be honest at the hiring process of what the benefits are and also thoroughly describe what the salary and the position is. They must explain what they expect from an employee and what the employee expects from them to avoid employee leaving. This will eliminate the feeling that their company or the position is not a good fit. Conclusion Based on the information we gathered, we have concluded that company have avoided issues on employee turnover and retained their employees as long as possible by developing effective strategies that satisfy the needs of their employees. Hiring the right people will increase retention and conducting a regular employee satisfaction survey in an organization will help reduce employee turnover rates.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Great Compromise of 1787

The Great Compromise of 1787, also known as the Sherman Compromise, was an agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 between delegates of the states with large and small populations that defined the structure of Congress and the number of representatives each state would have in Congress according to the United States Constitution. Under the agreement proposed by Connecticut delegate Roger Sherman, Congress would be a â€Å"bicameral† or two-chambered body, with each state getting a number of representatives in the lower chamber (the House) proportional to its population and two representatives in the upper chamber (the Senate). Key Takeaways: Great Compromise The Great Compromise of 1787 defined the structure of the U.S. Congress and the number of representatives each state would have in Congress under the U.S. Constitution.The Great Compromise was brokered as an agreement between the large and small states during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Connecticut delegate Roger Sherman.Under the Great Compromise, each state would get two representatives in the Senate and a variable number of representatives in the House in proportion to its population according to the decennial U.S. census. Perhaps the greatest debate undertaken by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 centered on how many representatives each state should have in the new governments lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress. As is often the case in government and politics, resolving a great debate required a great compromise—in this case, the Great Compromise of 1787. Early in the Constitutional Convention, delegates envisioned a Congress consisting of only a single chamber with a certain number of representatives from each state. Representation The burning question was, how many representatives from each state? Delegates from the larger, more populous states favored the Virginia Plan, which called for each state to have a different number of representatives based on the state’s population. Delegates from smaller states supported the New Jersey Plan, under which each state would send the same number of representatives to Congress. Delegates from the smaller states argued that, despite their lower populations, their states held equal legal status to that of the larger states, and that proportional representation would be unfair to them. Delegate Gunning Bedford, Jr. of Delaware notoriously threatened that the small states could be forced to â€Å"find some foreign ally of more honor and good faith, who will take them by the hand and do them justice.† However, Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts objected to the small states’ claim of legal sovereignty, stating that â€Å"we never were independent States, were not such now, and never could be even on the principles of the Confederation. The States and the advocates for them were intoxicated with the idea of their sovereignty.† Shermans Plan Connecticut delegate Roger Sherman is credited with proposing the alternative of a bicameral, or two-chambered Congress made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives. Each state, suggested Sherman, would send an equal number of representatives to the Senate, and one representative to the House for every 30,000 residents of the state. At the time, all the states except Pennsylvania had bicameral legislatures, so the delegates were familiar with the structure of Congress proposed by Sherman. Sherman’s plan pleased delegates from both the large and small states and became known as the Connecticut Compromise of 1787, or the Great Compromise. The structure and powers of the new U.S. Congress, as proposed by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention, were explained to the people by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison in the Federalist Papers. Apportionment and Redistricting Today, each state is represented in Congress by two Senators and a variable number of members of the House of Representatives based on the state’s population as reported in the most recent decennial census. The process of fairly determining the number of members of the House from each state is called apportionment. The first census in 1790 counted 4 million Americans. Based on that count, the total number of members elected to the House of Representatives grew from the original 65 to 106. The current House membership of 435 was set by Congress in 1911. Redistricting to Ensure Equal Representation   To ensure fair and equal representation in the House, the process of â€Å"redistricting† is used to establish or change the geographic boundaries within the states from which representatives are elected. In the 1964 case of Reynolds v. Sims, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that all of the congressional districts in each state must all have roughly the same population. Through apportionment and redistricting, high population urban areas are prevented from gaining an inequitable political advantage over less populated rural areas. For example, if New York City were not split into several congressional districts, the vote of a single New York City resident would carry more influence on the House than all of the residents in the rest of the State of New York combined.